Frequently Asked Questions

Creating an Application

Will my application automatically save as I complete it?
I am being presented with irrelevant questions for my research, why is this?
I am not sure what a question means?
How do I share my application?
How do I request signatures?
What happens if I accidentally submit my application when it is not complete?
How do I submit my application?
Where do I find my ethics reference?

Where is my application?

Where is My Application?

Amending an Application

How do I see comments left by reviewers about my application?
How do I make changes to my application?

Online Surveys

How do I show changes I have made to my survey when resubmitting?
What platform should I use for my survey?
How do I import document templates into Qualtrics?
Can I use data from partially completed questionnaires?

Uploading Documents

What size and format do my documents need uploading as?
Where can I find support on how to write my participant information sheet, consent form etc.?
Do I need to submit my risk assessment form after I have filled it out?
How do I upload my survey as a document?
How do I format the version number and date on my documents?
Do I need to use the University logo in my work?

Exporting Your Application

How do I save a copy of my application?
How do I include my ethics application in my thesis?

When Do I Need a Protocol?

When do I need a protocol?

Academic Supervisors

I can't find my academic supervisor on the system?
What do I need to do as an academic supervisor?